Monday, April 7, 2008

Vampires... IN THE SNOW

so i'm a little behind the ball on this one but whatever, this was a request and who reads this crap anyway.

30 Days of Night, both the comic series (specifically the first in this case) and the movie are super badass. the movie stays reasonably close to the comic (i don't fucking know why hollywood insists on NOT using comics as the fucking storyboard for their adaptations, it makes no goddamn sense) but adds both some solid shit and some bullshit.
well the solid shit is that they totally drag out the whole "HOLY FUCK THERE ARE VAMPIRES IN MY TOWN SLAUGHTERING EVERYONE I KNOW, I NEED TO BE SUPER QUIET AND STEALTHY TO GET THROUGH THIS!!!" part which is cool because it adds a real survival aspect to the whole thing that i didn't realize was missing from the comic till they did it in the movie.
i'll give you one fucking guess what the bullshit was. that's right. a fucking love story.
now, there was a love story in the comic but, and maybe this was just me, i feel like it wasn't that big a deal, like it wasn't some huge epic part of the story. you could sort of see it and go "Huh, who fucking cares. Some undead badass is going to tear your throat out and drink you life force while your family watches so I don't really care about your failed romance. Lets move on," and then you could just fucking move on. in the movie though, there's not a lot else to do besides pay attention to how good Josh "iwasinthefaculty" Hartnett is at being a crybaby. although he doesn't really cry about it so i don't know how true that is.
all in all though it's a fucking solid movie and a veeeeeery solid comic series. if for no other reason you should see the movie to watch people smash their fists through each others heads and chop their best friends to pieces with axes.
PS the latest installment in the comic series is about vampire nazis and soviets in the 40's trying to slaughter non-vampire nazis and soviets who are also trying to slaughter each other. i wonder how they pitched that to their editors.


Anonymous said...

i used to want to be a vampire when i was a little girl.


a nazi sword fights a fuckin vampire nazi?

Abdulla said...

I was impressed by Hartnett's lack of suckiness in this movie. And i totally feel like they played up the romance part a bit too much. good call. You have been linked. Looking forward to more reveiws!