Saturday, April 26, 2008


so i enjoyed this movie, no a gem imported from korea called R Point the other night and while it's not exactly new (released in the US in 2004) it's totally worth talking about.
the basic idea is that a korean platoon stationed in vietnam is charged with heading into the bush to find a missing platoon and prove that they're either dead or alive.
oh and this is all prompted by radio transmissions from the ghosts of the platoon.
they cover all the bases with this one.
you get the war movie goodness complete with bazooka fire bunker busting and friendly fire fatalities. you get intense, spooky and inexplicable horror movie apparitions. and you get a heavy dose of brutal splattery gore including death by landmine, death by hanging and death by execution. with the land mine the poor motherfucker sets off his own trap and gets his guts blown out and spills them all over his squadmates.
while this movie isn't about the end of the world directly it is about the militiristic deterioration of humanity which totally LEADS to the end of the world. ok, so i'm grasping for a connection but whatfuckingever. it's a solid horror flick with plenty of blood.
give it a shot.

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