Sunday, May 18, 2008


iron man was awesome.
i fucking loved it.
it was violent and bitter and politically critical and it had Gwyneth Paltrow in it. everything that's always great about reading comics. except for Ms. Paltrow that is, i have yet to see her in a comic.
now when i say that the movie is politically critical i don't mean it's screaming for the blood of our capitalist lords or calling for a rising of the masses. if anything it defends the rich as possible super heroes (because they potentially can afford to make awesome suits and fight the bad guys). it does however healthily criticize the global weapons trade and (arguably) militarism in general by having tony stark publicly renounce the arms trade and showing the human cost of war.
but lets face it, iron man is about sick CG battles and titanium suits that can fucking fly. it's not all that deep.
and the suits ARE totally sick, especially jeff "let me tell you something. i'm the dude, man" bridges playing a evil bald capitalist who steals the suit blueprints and makes a fucking killer GIGANTIC suit of his own to battle downey.
now one of my favorite parts is how they maintained tony stark being a rick fucking douchebag who's a womanizing moron but still pretty cool. the nailed it and i don't think it would have been as awesome with anyone else doing it.
so basically see it, it just might be the best super hero movie since batman begins.

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