Friday, March 28, 2008


So, i saw Doomsday the other week with my roommate. Yeah that's right, it's a movie about Scotland being a wasteland populated by Road Warrior wannabees who dance around to 80's goth pop and fucking eat cops. Yeah there's pretty much no coherent plot at all. Just straight up badass butchery the whole way through.
So it starts out and in the first sequence there's some naked lady bathing with her shotgun who gets her fucking guts blown out. Directly afterwards some nameless cop gets blow away and we see some nameless baddie's face get completely torn in 2 at point blank range.
A solid beginning i would say.
After setting this pace it never seems to let up with the awesome gore and ridiculous plot swerves taking us from future cop slaughter to abandoned Glasgow crust/rave punk slaughter to renaissance fair wannabe slaughter and topping it all off with an epic car chase slaughter.
Oh, and this is all done by a super badass warrior woman who never gets entangled in bullshit romance or remorse or even emotion for that matter.
So basically if you're a wimp and want a movie that has a coherent story go break out your copy of 28 Days Later. When the world ends i want it to be as intense, violent and illogical as this.

Choosing Death

So I've recently started wading my way through the ultra comprehensive book Choosing Death: The Improbable History of Death Metal and Grindcore. It's very good so far but not 100%.
The writer (Albert Mudrian) stick to this kind of bullshit writing scheme the whole way through. Although the bands he's talking about and what he has to say about them is all brutal and awesome to read about the way he puts it is pretty boring at times. He just kinda trudges from band to band.
Here's the formula: band meets (usually when they're like 12), band hears some death or grind band and decides to rip them off, band practices in family's basement to shock their family, band loses and gains members (because they're all egotistical jerks to each other), band makes a tape, band breaks up.
See, it's even boring to talk about.
Don't get me wrong though, I'm really liking the book, motherfucking Albert needs to learn how to write though.

Monday, March 24, 2008

My First Time

So, just as a quick intro, this is going to be my new blog (also my first blog) that I've been bullshitting about making for a long time now. The main focus' will be movies, radical politics and music and I'm going to try to stay on track with that. This isn't going to be some wack personal crap about my days or my girl troubles.
Hopefully people will stick around and appreciate what I have to say.
We'll see.

-jon doe